Since the turn of the new millennium orgone pyramids have become a popular energy tool in holistic and healing circles. It creates a powerful healing effect by balancing the electromagnetic energies in our environment.

From cell phones, to wifi, to smart meters and other wireless technology its not an exaggeration to say that we live in a sea of invisible electronic pollution, common effects reported from electronic frequency pollution are fatigue, irritability, and lack of concentration. How can we fix this situation?


Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychoanalyst developed the ‘ORGONE’ Theory in the 1930s. After many experiments, he proposed that an etheric bio-energetic life force existed that animated our environment. His idea wasn’t unique – most traditional cultures held a common belief in an invisible life energy animated the material world – called Chi in Chinese, Prana in the Indian system, Mana by the Polynesians, and by many other names across the Planet.

In Reich’s view the key to physical and mental health was the balance of this orgone energy which he divided into two categories – ‘Positive Orgone Energy’ (POR) and anti-biological ‘Deadly Orgone Energy’ (DOE). He saw positive orgone as organized, structured and coherent, while anti-biological deadly orgone energy was ‘stagnant’ and lead to decay and entropy – very similar to the idea of ‘blockages’ in Chinese medicine.

Reich built various orgone devices such as the Orgone Accumulator Box (composed of alternating layers of wool and metal) which accumulated and infused a patient with a high concentration of orgone energy. Faster healing, increased plant growth, and positive effects on cancer were noted.

Reich expanded his theory and proposed that bio-energy could affect planetary ecosystems including weather patterns, thus the Wilhelm Reich ‘Cloud Buster’ was born. It consisted of an array of metal pipes and tubing connected to water, the energetics of which he claimed could draw orgone energy to the ground producing rain.

While Wilhelm Reich’s work was groundbreaking, his talk of ‘orgasmic’ life energy (the orgasm being the spark and root of life) and non-traditional experiments drew harsh persecution from authorities. Both the Nazis and Communists in Europe and the American Food and Drug Administration went as far as to mark anything written by Reich or containing the word ‘orgone’ fit for incineration. Wilhelm Reich died broke and destitute in 1957 while in prison for violating FDA regulations – a fate similar to many other visionaries like Nikola Tesla and Royal Raymond Rife.



While Wilhelm Reich did not live to see the internet age, his Orgone theory is very relevant to our electrified environment today. The wireless revolution which has increased the flow of information a thousand fold has also put massive amounts of ‘electrosmog’ into our environment which didn’t exist only 20 years ago.

Cell phones and wifi have become part of modern life and the amount of digital frequencies broadcast into the air – and our bodies – increases daily. The trend is only accelerating with new conveniences such as the Apple Watch are putting transmitters directly on our bodies! And with the information explosion, the level of artificial frequencies in our environment show no signs of slowing down. Some documented health effects of EMF pollution:

  • Stress & Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Difficulty in thinking clearly (head fog)
  • Lowered Immune System
  • DNA alterations
  • Cancer
Parking on Rodeo Drive

Following international plans for ‘Smart Grids’, local Power companies have introduced electronic smart meters in many neighborhoods, which emit intense RF radiation equal to 160 cell phones. Its common to see clusters of smart meters on apartment complexes with no regard to human health. Moreover Smart Meters exceed FCC regulations for Radio Frequency strength, and are not UL certified like all other electronic devices!

Add to this cell phone towers that seem to pop up like mushrooms, wifi, personal cell phones that transmit frequencies 24/7 and its clearly a public health issue that is not being addressed by the mainstream. If you feel chronic fatigue, have difficulty thinking after a long day at work, or suffer from insomnia you may be a victim of electronic pollution.


Luckily, we have a solution for the electronic stress that we face everyday – ORGONE PYRAMIDS. Its a simple combination of resin, metal and quartz crystal balances the electrical signals around the body and restores harmony in our environment. While Wilhelm Reich himself did not use the modern orgone composite material – his Orgone theory was key in the development of the modern Orgonite movement.

It seems almost too simple, that a combination of resin, metal, and quartz crystal could be the answer to restoring our health and environment – but over two decades the reports have been consistently positive. Some commonly reported effects of Orgone Pyramids:

  • Better Sleep
  • Increased Mood
  • Increased stamina
  • Vivid Dreams
  • No longer affected by EMF
  • Increased Plant Growth

It still impresses me to this day the number of clients who report the same positive effects without me mentioning them it beforehand.