Blue Moonstone Crystal Pyramid ascension tools
Blue Moonstone Crystal Pyramid ascension tools
Blue Moonstone Crystal Pyramid ascension tools
Blue Moonstone Crystal Pyramid ascension tools

Blue Moonstone Crystal Pyramid


Size: w 6.5 x h 5 cm

Weight: 0.13 kg

Origin: Brazil

3 in stock


About Blue Moonstone

[Astrological Signs of Cancer, Libra, & Scopio]
Moonstone is found in the orthoclase [adularia] and the albite minerals [both members of the feldspar group]. The properties characterizing moonstones are chatoyancy, a milky-sheen, or the exhibition of those traits on a portion of the specimen. The following properties are in addition to those listed in the ADULARIA, ALBITE, and FELDSPAR sections of this book.
The energy of the moonstone is balancing, introspective, reflective, and lunar. It is capable of helping one with the changing structures of one’s life on the physical emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. The energy relates to “new beginnings”, allowing one to realize that these “new beginnings” are, in actuality, the fruition of each “end”.
It is a stone for hoping and wishing; it allows one to absorb that which is needed from the universal energies, not necessarily, however, furthering that which is wanted.
It helps one to recognize the “ups and downs” and to gracefully acknowledge the changing cycles. It can assist one in sustaining and maintaining, and understanding the destiny one has chosen. It works to bring the galactic evolved energies from other worlds to accessibility.
It is a stone for “feeling”, and understanding via intuition and emotional “thoughts” rather than via intellectual reasoning. It brings flashes of insight, banishing the possibility of neglecting one’s profit from that which is experienced. It stimulates intuitive recognition and helps one to apply intuitive knowledge in a practiced gene. It also enhances perception and discernment, enabling one to make decisions that painlessly further one’s development.
It can be used to alleviate emotional tension and enhance the positive attributes of creativity and self-expression.
It cleanses negativity from the chakras, enhancing the feminine aspects of one’s nature, while providing spiritual nourishment and sustenance, and loving compassion to further assist one through all changes.
It stimulates confidence and composure and allows one to understand that there is no situation so difficult that it cannot be countered with diplomacy.

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