Golden Tigereye - Silver Twist Point Pendant ascension tools
Golden Tigereye - Silver Twist Point Pendant ascension tools
Golden Tigereye - Silver Twist Point Pendant ascension tools
Golden Tigereye - Silver Twist Point Crystal Pendant reinhard

Golden Tigereye – Silver Twist Point Crystal Pendant


Size: w 1.5 x h 5.5 cm

Weight: 10g

Includes: 24″ necklace

Origin: Brazil

10 in stock


The Story of Golden Tigereye

Golden Tiger’s Eye is a stunning stone with a rich history that dates back thousands of years. This gemstone is a form of the mineral quartz, and is known for its unique golden color and chatoyancy, which is an optical phenomenon that gives it a distinctive sheen that resembles a tiger’s eye.
The stone has been prized by many ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, who believed it had powerful protective and healing properties. It was also believed to enhance courage, strength, and vitality, making it a popular talisman among warriors and soldiers.

Golden Tigereye - Silver Twist Point Crystal Pendant reinhard 720p

The Benefits of Golden Tigereye

Golden Tiger’s Eye is believed to have several benefits, both physical and spiritual. Some of these benefits include:
  • Promoting courage and confidence: Golden Tiger’s Eye is said to instill courage, self-confidence, and inner strength, making it a famous stone among those looking to boost their self-esteem.
  • Enhancing clarity and focus: The stone is also thought to improve mental clarity, helping individuals to stay focused and make sound decisions.
  • Attracting abundance and prosperity: Many people believe that Golden Tiger’s Eye can attract wealth and abundance by opening up new opportunities and channels for prosperity.
  • Providing grounding and protection: Golden Tiger’s Eye is believed to provide grounding energy, helping to stabilize emotions and provide protection against negative energies.
  • Balancing chakras: This stone is also believed to balance and activate the solar plexus chakra, promoting positive energy flow and overall well-being.

Golden Tigereye - Silver Twist Point Pendant ascension tools

How to Use Golden Tigereye Pendant

Golden tigereye pendant is a versatile and powerful crystal that can be used in various ways to enhance your energy and achieve your goals. Here are a few suggestions for how to use your golden tigereye pendant:
  • Personal power: Wear the pendant to boost your confidence and sense of personal power.
  • Protection: Use the pendant as a protective talisman to ward off negative energy and promote safety.
  • Grounding: Golden tigereye is known for its grounding properties, so wearing the pendant can help you feel more connected to the earth and centered.
  • Creativity: Use the pendant to inspire creativity and spark new ideas.
  • Focus: If you need help staying focused on a task, wearing the pendant can help you stay on track and avoid distractions.
  • Wealth: Golden tigereye is often associated with abundance and prosperity, so wearing the pendant can help attract wealth and financial success.
  • Emotional balance: The stone is said to promote emotional balance and stability, so wearing the pendant can help you feel more calm and more centered.
  • Healing: Golden tigereye is believed to have healing properties, so wearing the pendant can help promote physical and emotional healing.
Remember to cleanse and recharge your crystal regularly to keep it working at its best.

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